Largo Winch (2008)

(Page créée avec « Largo Winch est un film français, adapté de la bande dessinée éponyme, réalisé par Jérôme Salle, sorti le 17 décembre 2008 au cinéma. Une suite, [[Largo Winch ... »)
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Largo Winch est un film français, adapté de la bande dessinée éponyme, réalisé par [[Jérôme Salle]], sorti le 17 décembre 2008 au cinéma.
Largo Winch is a French film, adapted from the eponymous comic book, directed by [[Jérôme Salle]], released in theaters on December 17, 2008.
Une suite, [[Largo Winch 2 | Largo Winch II (2011)]], est sortie le 16 février 2011.
A sequel, [[Largo Winch II (2011) | Largo Winch 2]], was released on February 16, 2011.
Le milliardaire Nerio Winch s'est officiellement noyé. A la tête d'un empire financier, le Groupe W, sa mort est forcément suspecte. Un héritier inattendu fait alors surface : Largo, adopté en secret par Nerio.
[[File:Largo Winch Film Still 1.jpg|thumb|Photograph of the filming]]The billionaire Nerio Winch has officially drowned. As the head of a financial empire, the W Group, his death is undoubtedly suspicious. An unexpected heir then emerges: Largo, secretly adopted by Nerio.
Alors que le yacht de Nerio navigue un soir près de Hong Kong, un plongeur surgit et attrape l'homme d'affaires pour l'entraîner sous l'eau et le noyer.
While Nerio's yacht sails one evening near Hong Kong, a diver suddenly appears and drags the businessman underwater to drown him.
Le même jour, Largo arrive dans un village du Mato Grosso pour se faire un tatouage qui le rendra invincible. Entendant les cris d'une femme, Léa, il intervient et en vient à se battre avec des policiers véreux.
On the same day, Largo arrives in a village in Mato Grosso to get a tattoo that will make him invincible. Hearing the cries of a woman, Léa, he intervenes and ends up fighting with corrupt police officers.
Largo parvient à s'enfuir avec Léa. Plus tard, ils font l'amour. Profitant du sommeil de Largo, Léa lui injecte une drogue. Des policiers viennent arrêter Largo, intoxiqué, et découvrent des sachets de drogue. Le chef des policiers lui annonce qu'il passera 50 ans de sa vie en prison.
Largo manages to escape with Léa. Later, they make love. Taking advantage of Largo's sleep, Léa injects him with a drug. Police officers come to arrest the intoxicated Largo and discover packets of drugs. The chief of police informs him that he will spend 50 years of his life in prison.
Un policier vient chercher Largo à sa cellule le lendemain. Celui-ci, feignant d'être inconscient, parvient à prendre le revolver au policier et à l'enfermer, lui et son co-équipier. Largo se dirige vers le bureau du chef des policiers et découvre Freddy, un fidèle de Nerio, en train d'acheter sa liberté et lui annonce la mort de Nerio. Largo refuse l'aide et assomme le chef des policiers. Les deux s'enfuient.
A police officer comes to fetch Largo from his cell the next day. Pretending to be unconscious, Largo manages to take the revolver from the police officer and lock him and his partner inside. Largo heads towards the police chief's office and discovers Freddy, a loyal follower of Nerio, buying his freedom and informing him of Nerio's death. Largo refuses the help and knocks out the police chief. The two of them escape.
Freddy et Largo s'emparent d'une camionnette et défoncent la porte en acier après avoir détruit deux automobiles et deux motocyclettes, pendant que des policiers tirent des coups de feu en leur direction. Alors qu'ils descendent une pente, Largo s'aperçoit que les freins de leur véhicule ne fonctionnent plus. Ils évitent de justesse un camion mais, plus bas, ils percutent le rebord de la route et leur véhicule fait des tonneaux, s'arrêtant sur la chaussée.
Freddy and Largo commandeer a van and crash through the steel gate after destroying two cars and two motorcycles, while police officers shoot at them. As they drive down a slope, Largo realizes that the brakes of their vehicle no longer work. They narrowly avoid a truck but, further down, they hit the edge of the road, causing their vehicle to roll over and stop on the road.
Le camion qu'ils ont raté de peu descend vers eux. Largo s'extrait de la camionnette et doit aider Freddy à s'en extraire. Une fraction de seconde plus tard, le camion fauche leur camionnette.
The truck they narrowly missed is heading towards them. Largo gets out of the van and must help Freddy out. A split second later, the truck smashes into their van.
Le lendemain, les deux se retrouvent à Hong Kong, Largo doit être officiellement présenté comme l'héritier du [[Groupe W]]. En parallèle, les cadres supérieurs du groupe discutent de l'avenir du conglomérat, le plus grand à avoir été détenu par une seule personne. Ann Ferguson leur annonce qu'il existe un héritier dont elle a entendu parler pour la première fois le jour d'avant.
The next day, the two find themselves in Hong Kong, where Largo is to be officially presented as the heir of the [[W Group]]. Meanwhile, the senior executives of the group discuss the future of the conglomerate, the largest ever held by a single person. Ann Ferguson informs them that there is an heir she heard about for the first time the day before.
Alors que les cadres supérieurs discutent, Largo leur est présenté. Des cadres l'interrogent, incapables d'accepter qu'une personne aussi jeune puisse prendre les rênes d'un tel empire financier. Un haut gradé de la société s'introduit dans la salle de réunion pour mettre en garde Largo, mais il est abattu par un tireur depuis une pièce masquée par une vitre teintée. Largo poursuit le tireur et se retrouve dans une luxueuse salle d'aisance. Il est pris à partie par le chef de la sécurité, Stephan Marcus qui se rend aussitôt compte de son erreur. Le tueur semble avoir disparu.
As the senior executives are discussing, Largo is introduced to them. Some executives question him, unable to accept that someone so young could take the reins of such a financial empire. A high-ranking company officer enters the meeting room to warn Largo, but he is shot by a sniper from a room concealed by a tinted window. Largo chases the shooter and finds himself in a luxurious restroom. He is confronted by the head of security, Stephan Marcus, who immediately realizes his mistake. The killer seems to have vanished.
Largo apprend que le Groupe W subit, discrètement, une OPA hostile. Pour la contrer, Ferguson propose de s'emparer du groupe de Korsky en quelques jours. Pour que cette opération réussisse, le groupe doit emprunter 3 milliards USD, ce qui est vu comme impossible puisqu'il est dans une situation précaire et doit publiquement annoncer son intention de le faire, ce qui permettra à Korsky de se rendre moins vulnérable.
Largo learns that the W Group is quietly undergoing a hostile takeover. To counter it, Ferguson proposes to take over Korsky's group within a few days. For this operation to succeed, the group needs to borrow 3 billion USD, which is seen as impossible since it is in a precarious situation and must publicly announce its intention to do so, which would allow Korsky to become less vulnerable.
Ferguson fait remarquer qu'un particulier peut lancer une OPA hostile sans la rendre publique. Largo peut emprunter 3 milliards USD en mettant en garantie ses parts du Groupe W. Par contre, la légitimité de Largo en tant que successeur est encore disputée. Il affirme qu'il sera de retour d'ici 24 heures avec les parts du groupe, qui sont officiellement inscrites au Liechtenstein.
Ferguson points out that an individual can launch a hostile takeover without making it public. Largo can borrow 3 billion USD by pledging his shares in the W Group as collateral. However, Largo's legitimacy as a successor is still in question. He asserts that he will return within 24 hours with the group's shares, which are officially registered in Liechtenstein.
Mais tout cela cache un piège.
But all of this hides a trap.
== Fiche technique ==
==Technical Information==
* Réalisation : [[Jérôme Salle]]
* Direction: [[Jérôme Salle]]
* Scénario : [[Julien Rappeneau]] et [[Jérôme Salle]], d'après la bande dessinée éponyme de [[Jean Van Hamme]] et [[Philippe Francq]]
* Screenplay: [[Julien Rappeneau]] and [[Jérôme Salle]], based on the eponymous comic book by [[Jean Van Hamme]] and [[Philippe Francq]]
* Production : [[Philippe Godeau]] et [[Nathalie Gastaldo]]
* Production: [[Philippe Godeau]] and [[Nathalie Gastaldo]]
* Musique : [[Alexandre Desplat]]
* Music: [[Alexandre Desplat]]
* Image : [[Denis Rouden]]
* Cinematography: [[Denis Rouden]]
* Montage : [[Richard Marizy]]
* Editing: [[Richard Marizy]]
* Décors : [[Michel Barthélémy]]
* Production Design: [[Michel Barthélémy]]
* Costumes : [[Radija Zeggai]]
* Costumes: [[Radija Zeggai]]
* Direction des effets spéciaux : [[Alain Carsoux]]
* Special Effects Direction: [[Alain Carsoux]]
* Cascades : [[Stéphane Boulay]]
* Stunts: [[Stéphane Boulay]]
* Société de production : [[Pan-Européenne]]
* Production Company: [[Pan-Européenne]]
* Société de distribution : [[Wild Bunch]]
* Distribution Company: [[Wild Bunch]]
* Pays d'origine : France
* Country of Origin: France
* Langues originales : français, anglais et serbe
* Original Languages: French, English, and Serbian
* Format : Couleurs
* Format: Color
* Budget : 25 millions d'euros
* Budget: 25 million euros
* Date de sortie : 17 décembre 2008
* Release Date: December 17, 2008
== Distribution ==
*[[Tomer Sisley]] : ''Largo Winch''
*[[Tomer Sisley]]: ''Largo Winch''
*[[Kristin Scott Thomas]] : ''Ann Ferguson''
*[[Kristin Scott Thomas]]: ''Ann Ferguson''
*[[Miki Manojlovic]] : ''Nerio Winch''
*[[Miki Manojlovic]]: ''Nerio Winch''
*[[Mélanie Thierry]] : ''Léa / Naomi''
*[[Mélanie Thierry]]: ''Léa / Naomi''
*[[Gilbert Melki]] : ''Freddy''
*[[Gilbert Melki]]: ''Freddy''
*[[Karel Roden]] : ''Mikhail Korsky''
*[[Karel Roden]]: ''Mikhail Korsky''
*[[Steven Waddington]] : ''Stephan Marcus''
*[[Steven Waddington]]: ''Stephan Marcus''
*[[Anne Consigny]] : ''Hannah''
*[[Anne Consigny]]: ''Hannah''
*[[Radivoje Buksic]] : ''Goran''
*[[Radivoje Buksic]]: ''Goran''
*[[Nicolas Vaude]] : ''Gauthier''
*[[Nicolas Vaude]]: ''Gauthier''
*[[Benedict Wong]] : ''William Kwan''
*[[Benedict Wong]]: ''William Kwan''
*[[Gerard Watkins]] : ''Cattaneo''
*[[Gerard Watkins]]: ''Cattaneo''
*[[Wolfgang Pissors]] : ''Attinger''
*[[Wolfgang Pissors]]: ''Attinger''
*[[Ted Thomas]] : ''Greenfield''
*[[Ted Thomas]]: ''Greenfield''
*[[David Gasman]] : ''Alexander Meyer''
*[[David Gasman]]: ''Alexander Meyer''
*[[Elizabeth Bennet]] : ''Miss Pennywinkle''
*[[Elizabeth Bennet]]: ''Miss Pennywinkle''
*[[Eddy Ko]] : ''Tatoueur''
*[[Eddy Ko]]: ''Tattoo Artist''
*[[Bojana Panic]] : ''Melina''
*[[Bojana Panic]]: ''Melina''
*[[Ivan Marevich]] : ''Josip''
*[[Ivan Marevich]]: ''Josip''
*[[André Oumansky]] : ''Jacques Wallenberg''
*[[André Oumansky]]: ''Jacques Wallenberg''
*[[Digger Mesch]] : ''Officier de police''
*[[Digger Mesch]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Emmanuel Avena]] : ''Hicham''
*[[Emmanuel Avena]]: ''Hicham''
*[[Micaelle Mee-Sook]] : ''Rebecca''
*[[Micaelle Mee-Sook]]: ''Rebecca''
*[[Benjamin Siksou]] : ''Largo Winch adolescent''
*[[Benjamin Siksou]]: ''Teenage Largo Winch''
*[[Kerian Mayan]] : ''Largo Winch enfant''
*[[Kerian Mayan]]: ''Child Largo Winch''
*[[Jake Vella]] : ''Largo Winch bébé''
*[[Jake Vella]]: ''Baby Largo Winch''
*[[Aidan Aquilina]] : ''Nerio enfant''
*[[Aidan Aquilina]]: ''Child Nerio''
*[[Andre George Agius]] : ''Nerio adolescent''
*[[Andre George Agius]]: ''Teenage Nerio''
*[[Léo-Paul Salmain]] : ''Goran enfant''
*[[Léo-Paul Salmain]]: ''Child Goran''
*[[Julian De Gorgio]] : ''Goran bébé''
*[[Julian De Gorgio]]: ''Baby Goran''
*[[Warren Jacquin]] : ''Goran adolescent''
*[[Warren Jacquin]]: ''Teenage Goran''
*[[Danica Cesljevic]] : ''Melina adolescente''
*[[Danica Cesljevic]]: ''Teenage Melina''
*[[Angele Galea]] : ''Mère de Nerio Winch''
*[[Angele Galea]]: ''Nerio Winch's Mother''
*[[Lubomir Misak]] : ''Père de Nerio Winch''
*[[Lubomir Misak]]: ''Nerio Winch's Father''
*[[Stuart Ong]] : ''Directeur de l'hôpital Saint John''
*[[Stuart Ong]]: ''Director of St. John’s Hospital''
*[[Marica Vuletic Naumovic]] : ''Directrice d'orphelinat''
*[[Marica Vuletic Naumovic]]: ''Orphanage Director''
*[[Marija Opsenica Zivkovic]] : ''Nouvelle directrice d'orphelinat''
*[[Marija Opsenica Zivkovic]]: ''New Orphanage Director''
*[[Nina Radonjic]] : ''Puéricultrice d'orphelinat''
*[[Nina Radonjic]]: ''Orphanage Caregiver''
*[[Michel Dubois]] : ''Directeur d'école''
*[[Michel Dubois]]: ''School Director''
*[[Jessie Cheung]] : ''Hôtesse restaurant''
*[[Jessie Cheung]]: ''Restaurant Hostess''
*[[Joe Cortis]] : ''Gardien d'orphelinat''
*[[Joe Cortis]]: ''Orphanage Guard''
*[[Sin Ho Ying Thomas]] : ''Marin du yacht''
*[[Sin Ho Ying Thomas]]: ''Yacht Sailor''
*[[Murray Burton]] : ''Kramer''
*[[Murray Burton]]: ''Kramer''
*[[Jason Ying]] : ''Roomservice serveur hôtel''
*[[Jason Ying]]: ''Hotel Room Service Waiter''
*[[Cathy Lam]] : ''Hôtesse lounge''
*[[Cathy Lam]]: ''Lounge Hostess''
*[[Predrag Vasic]] : ''Danis Vlatkovic''
*[[Predrag Vasic]]: ''Danis Vlatkovic''
*[[Tenessa Tampied-Dupuis]] : ''Petite amie Goran''
*[[Tenessa Tampied-Dupuis]]: ''Goran’s Girlfriend''
*[[Byron W. Jeong]] : ''Homme d'affaires chinois''
*[[Byron W. Jeong]]: ''Chinese Businessman''
*[[Derek Ting]] : ''Technicien hôtel''
*[[Derek Ting]]: ''Hotel Technician''
*[[Alberto Bettencourt]] : ''Chef des miliciens''
*[[Alberto Bettencourt]]: ''Militia Leader''
*[[Oseas Garcia]] : ''Milicien''
*[[Oseas Garcia]]: ''Militiaman''
*[[Vincent Haquin]] : ''Milicien''
*[[Vincent Haquin]]: ''Militiaman''
*[[Patrick Vo]] : ''Garde du corps Marcus''
*[[Patrick Vo]]: ''Marcus's Bodyguard''
*[[Audrey Ottaviano]] : ''Garde du corps Marcus''
*[[Audrey Ottaviano]]: ''Marcus's Bodyguard''
*[[Pascal Guillemin]] : ''Garde du corps Marcus''
*[[Pascal Guillemin]]: ''Marcus's Bodyguard''
*[[Michael Langton]] : ''Directeur financier Korsky''
*[[Michael Langton]]: ''Korsky's Financial Director''
*[[Louisa Bojesen]] : ''Présentatrice TV CNBC''
*[[Louisa Bojesen]]: ''CNBC TV Presenter''
*[[Ross Westgate]] : ''Présentateur TV CNBC''
*[[Ross Westgate]]: ''CNBC TV Presenter''
*[[Jacky Chu]] : ''Preneur de son TV''
*[[Jacky Chu]]: ''TV Sound Technician''
*[[Glen Chin]] : ''Policier''
*[[Glen Chin]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Stuart Lee Markham]] : ''Policier''
*[[Stuart Lee Markham]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Wai Fung Mak]] : ''Policier''
*[[Wai Fung Mak]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Paul Mau]] : ''Policier''
*[[Paul Mau]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Emerson Cortez]] : ''Policier''
*[[Emerson Cortez]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Jefferson Cortez]] : ''Policier''
*[[Jefferson Cortez]]: ''Police Officer''
*[[Joselito Mateos]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[Joselito Mateos]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
*[[Koji Furudoi]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[Koji Furudoi]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
*[[Gérard Ouradou dit Grégory]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[Gérard Ouradou dit Grégory]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
*[[Roger Kajman]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[Roger Kajman]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
*[[Jean-Pierre Frankfower]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[Jean-Pierre Frankfower]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
*[[Jean-Georges Brunet]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[Jean-Georges Brunet]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
*[[David Tissot]] : ''Membre du conseil Winch Co''
*[[David Tissot]]: ''Winch Co. Board Member''
=== Tournage ===
Le tournage s'est déroulé entre août et décembre 2007. Les principaux lieux de tournage sont :
The filming took place between August and December 2007. The main filming locations are:
* Sicile
* Sicily
* Malte
* Malta
* Hong Kong
* Hong Kong
* Macao
* Macau
* Serbie
* Serbia
* [[World Soundtrack Awards]] 2009 : Meilleur compositeur de l'année pour [[Alexandre Desplat]], récompense attribuée pour son travail sur ''Largo Winch'' mais aussi sur ''[[Coco avant Chanel]]'', ''[[L'Étrange Histoire de Benjamin Button (film)|L'Étrange Histoire de Benjamin Button]]'' et ''[[Chéri (film, 2009)|Chéri]]''
* [[World Soundtrack Awards]] 2009: Composer of the Year for [[Alexandre Desplat]], an award given for his work on ''Largo Winch'' but also on ''[[Coco Before Chanel]]'', ''[[The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (film)|The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]]'', and ''[[Chéri (2009 film)|Chéri]]''
* [[Étoiles d'or]] 2009 : Révélation masculine pour [[Tomer Sisley]]
* [[Étoiles d'Or]] 2009: Best Male Newcomer for [[Tomer Sisley]]

Latest revision as of 09:38, 3 September 2024

Largo Winch is a French film, adapted from the eponymous comic book, directed by Jérôme Salle, released in theaters on December 17, 2008.

A sequel, Largo Winch 2, was released on February 16, 2011.


[edit] Synopsis

Photograph of the filming
The billionaire Nerio Winch has officially drowned. As the head of a financial empire, the W Group, his death is undoubtedly suspicious. An unexpected heir then emerges: Largo, secretly adopted by Nerio.

While Nerio's yacht sails one evening near Hong Kong, a diver suddenly appears and drags the businessman underwater to drown him.

On the same day, Largo arrives in a village in Mato Grosso to get a tattoo that will make him invincible. Hearing the cries of a woman, Léa, he intervenes and ends up fighting with corrupt police officers.

Largo manages to escape with Léa. Later, they make love. Taking advantage of Largo's sleep, Léa injects him with a drug. Police officers come to arrest the intoxicated Largo and discover packets of drugs. The chief of police informs him that he will spend 50 years of his life in prison.

A police officer comes to fetch Largo from his cell the next day. Pretending to be unconscious, Largo manages to take the revolver from the police officer and lock him and his partner inside. Largo heads towards the police chief's office and discovers Freddy, a loyal follower of Nerio, buying his freedom and informing him of Nerio's death. Largo refuses the help and knocks out the police chief. The two of them escape.

Freddy and Largo commandeer a van and crash through the steel gate after destroying two cars and two motorcycles, while police officers shoot at them. As they drive down a slope, Largo realizes that the brakes of their vehicle no longer work. They narrowly avoid a truck but, further down, they hit the edge of the road, causing their vehicle to roll over and stop on the road.

The truck they narrowly missed is heading towards them. Largo gets out of the van and must help Freddy out. A split second later, the truck smashes into their van.

The next day, the two find themselves in Hong Kong, where Largo is to be officially presented as the heir of the W Group. Meanwhile, the senior executives of the group discuss the future of the conglomerate, the largest ever held by a single person. Ann Ferguson informs them that there is an heir she heard about for the first time the day before.

As the senior executives are discussing, Largo is introduced to them. Some executives question him, unable to accept that someone so young could take the reins of such a financial empire. A high-ranking company officer enters the meeting room to warn Largo, but he is shot by a sniper from a room concealed by a tinted window. Largo chases the shooter and finds himself in a luxurious restroom. He is confronted by the head of security, Stephan Marcus, who immediately realizes his mistake. The killer seems to have vanished.

Largo learns that the W Group is quietly undergoing a hostile takeover. To counter it, Ferguson proposes to take over Korsky's group within a few days. For this operation to succeed, the group needs to borrow 3 billion USD, which is seen as impossible since it is in a precarious situation and must publicly announce its intention to do so, which would allow Korsky to become less vulnerable.

Ferguson points out that an individual can launch a hostile takeover without making it public. Largo can borrow 3 billion USD by pledging his shares in the W Group as collateral. However, Largo's legitimacy as a successor is still in question. He asserts that he will return within 24 hours with the group's shares, which are officially registered in Liechtenstein.

But all of this hides a trap.

[edit] Technical Information

[edit] Cast

[edit] Filming

The filming took place between August and December 2007. The main filming locations are:

  • Sicily
  • Malta
  • Hong Kong
  • Macau
  • Serbia

[edit] Awards

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